I meant to create this journal earlier, but hadn't gotten around to it yet. I've only been aware that I'm pregnant for about 2 weeks now. At the beginning of each week, hopefully, I will put some info in here from storknet.com.
So this is my first pregnancy. My breasts are sore, I've gained some weight and I'm tired. I wake up to pee about 3 to 4 times a night now, whereas before I could sleep at least 6 to 8 hours without waking up to use the bathroom.
Went to a clinic to get proof of pregnancy yesterday, then went to social services to apply for Medicaid, which is state insurance that I can receive now that I'm knocked up :-) Going to call tomorrow to schedule an appointment for next week. I'm excited about the first sonogram!!
Fetal Development:
| I'm Tiny But Gaining Fast! The baby is about 1/3 of an inch, the size of a grain of rice. Development of the arms and legs continue although the fingers and toes haven't yet formed. The brain is growing as well as the lenses of the eyes, nostrils, intestines, pancreas and bronchi.
Maternal Changes: |  | This week tends to be like last week with the usual symptoms of early pregnancy continuing. You're not showing yet and may have lost a few pounds or gained a few pounds. Both are normal at this stage.
 | Having your head in a toilet bowl or bucket most of the day is NO FUN, and you may have discovered that "morning" may mean all day and not just the morning. One important thing to remember is to never let your stomach get completely empty or overly full. Ginger (the real thing, not artificial) helps. Drink ginger ale or ginger tea, try ginger snaps or ginger root capsules. Lemons also help - lemonade or sucking on raw lemons.