So much for updating this every week!! lol. Life gets busy. Well. Let's see. Last midwife appointment was September 15th, 2010. The baby's heartbeat was 156. Weight gain is great. I weigh 231, so I've gained about 4 pounds so far.
Maternal Changes: |
Around this week, your uterus will shift up and forward as it grows. The good news is it won't be pressing on your bladder so much and those bathroom visits will get less frequent. Enjoy this while you can because by the third trimester, the uterus will grow large enough to sit on your bladder once again. Morning sickness is usually getting better by this time, and you may be less tired. Headaches and light-headedness are common now thanks to the increased blood volume but be sure to discuss these symptoms with your care provider. |
Ideas for Dad:
Mom is probably feeling better. Now's a good time to exercisewith her regularly. Go out for a nice walk in your neighborhood and be sure to hold hands. |
And here is the status for 14 weeks, which will be on September 23, 2010 :
Fetal Development:
If you haven't already, you should be able to hear the baby's heartbeat with a doppler. Don't panic if you can't (I know, easier said than done.) ~ an ultrasound can confirm a beating heart if it isn't heard through a doppler. |
Maternal Changes: |
By now, You may notice the veins on your chest and breasts are dilated and more noticeable. The areolas of your breasts may be darkening and growing in diameter. Your body has been preparing for breastfeeding since you became |
Ideas for Dad:
How are you dad? Are you totally stressed out worrying about finances, working overtime and fretting about expenses? If so, stop and take a deep breath and then try to rationally assess your situation. Are your worries out of proportion to your family'sreal needs? Many times, men are expected to handle family finances which becomes dad's focus while he's actually hiding his true worries - fear of fatherhood and the pregnancy. Think about what your REAL worries are. Often putting your finger on them is enough to make them smaller. |