So it's a brand new year. And I know for sure it's going to be filled with many new experiences, especially with the birth of my son! I am in my third trimester now; I turned 7 months on Wednesday, December 28th. That's 28 weeks! Which means (now) I have less than 12 weeks left. Holy crapola. lol.
I didn't spend bringing in the new year with Sandy. He actually had to work so I would of been at home alone. Instead, I came up to Pennsylvania to visit Cindy and spend some quality time with her while I can. Monday, swim team is off break and it's back to the grind with practices and meets. End of February is when that'll end, and I'm due March 24th, so I honestly don't know if I'll be able to see her before River comes. If she comes to see me, that's a different story. And she knows she can crash at our place for a couple-few nights.
This year is going to be about my family. I've already hardened my heart to those who I thought I could trust, so I can spend all my energy on my baby! The baby shower might be sometime this month.. I'm hoping. Sandy's friends Mike and Mark, their wives are throwing me the shower, which is SUPER nice of them. I told Jen (Mikes wife) at her son, Mason's, birthday party in November that I was looking for a place to throw the baby shower, and she goes "What do you mean, YOU'RE looking for a place?" I shrugged and said "Uh I dunno.. I just am. I was gonna do it myself." She replied "Your friends aren't throwing you a shower?" I said "No..." Jen rolled her eyes and said "Don't worry; Sandy's friends will take care of you. We've got you covered!" I didn't know what to say except 'thanks' lol.
I got my nails done yesterday. My toes are a soft purple color with flower paintings on my big toes. Oh the pedicure was amazing. I told her I wanted a manicure too but she just did my nails and didn't do the whole softening and massaging bit. :-( Next time I will be more forceful! I wanted just an acrylic overlay on my nails, but they were too short, so I got tips, and they painted em the same purple. My finger nails kinda hurt because they take a thing, I can't remember the word to it, and file down the tops of your nails so the acrylic stuff REALLY sticks...... BUFFER! haha. That's it. Makes it kinda hard to type. I think I'll go back right before the baby shower and get a cute baby blue ^_^. After I got home, tho, I felt so incredibly guilty for spending money on myself. It's been a long time since I've done that. I mean, the past couple months have been about getting gifts for people for the holidays. I cried so hard when I got home, it felt like I had just killed someone. My chest felt so heavy and I felt so burdened. All for getting my friggin nails done! Sandy consoled me and told me I NEEDED to do something nice for myself. I replied that I know but still... *shrugs* I guess I'll just blame it on hormones again. lol.
The past couple nights I've been having crazy dreams. Well, I always have crazy dreams, it's just that sometimes I don't remember them. Thursday night I dreamt that River had stretched his arm out and I could see it when I look down. Then he moved it from the right to the left, and it stuck out so far, I could put my hand around his, even though there was my flesh in the way. Last night was super cool. I dreamt that I was in the womb with River and watched him as he moved his fingers and opened and closed his mouth. His eyes were closed, so I guess he was sleeping. I could hear my heart beat as I floated in the amniotic fluid with him. I saw the umbilical cord come from his belly and disappear behind him where I know it attached to me. Oh it was so friggin cool. It was like something out of a documentary. I'll never forget how his little fingers looked as his hand was close to his face. I should sketch it out while the dream is still fresh.
Sandy has been really good to me. We go through our moments here and there, and I honestly think things are triggered because I'm pregnant and am somewhat emotionally unstable. I love him so much and I'm so happy to bringing his son into this world. He's going to be an awesome dad.
Ok time for symptoms! I'm super hungry all the time. A few hours will go by and it feels like I haven't eaten in DAYS. River will start kicking me, and normally that's ok. But his head is down, which means his hands are close, and he punches my bladder and sends this painful, almost burning shockwave through my urethra. It's like my bladder is a punching bag or something! lol.
Also, because pregnant women need to get their teeth checked all the time while expecting, I now have two unfinished root canals on either side of my mouth! The left one is especially painful, but the right one is ok for the most part, except the friggin temporary filling keeps coming out! This is the second time that some of it has come out, and food keeps getting caught up in there. And now I can't dig it out cuz I got my nails done and it won't fit in the cavity lol.
I'm starting to feel more like a planet too. My mom got me a maternity belt, and it's fine when I stand, but when I sit, the support piece in the back binds and digs into me! It hurts! So I don't wear it.
I've tried using different lotions and things for my stretch marks, and I've finally found something that works. Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Belly Butter, with Vitamin E and Soothing Lavender. My stretch marks are getting better, and turning from red/purple to a pale color. And they're not as deep. At first it looked like someone had clawed up the sides of my hips. Now they're just little marks. :-)
I had a headache Thursday; the first one in weeks! I think the secret is water! I need to make sure I keep myself super hydrated and I think the headaches and migraines will stay away.
My hands and feet are starting to swell a little. When I take my ankle socks off at the end of the day, theres an impression around my ankles and they throb. It sometimes feels like someone has tied dental floss around my ankles!
My uterus is so big now that it's pressing against my lungs, making it very hard to move around easily. I get winded so often, I feel like an obese person lol I also have to use my arms way more to get me out of couches and beds. Sometimes it feels like I'm using my muscles to the max and they might collapse under me! Then I'd be really stuck lol
Cindy got to watch River move around in my belly last night. Saw him "roll," which means saw him push out at one part and move to another part while still pushing. That's what my dream was about the other night, except in my dream River was pushing out waaaayyy more lol. The more I feel this baby move, the more I love him. Sandy and I have really created life, and it's growing inside of me! <3>
Week 28
(counting from first day of last menstrual period)
Around 26 Weeks After ConceptionPlease keep in mind that this information is approximate. Each pregnancy is different and growth rates vary. If you have any questions, please check with your care provider.
Fetal Development: | Our little miracle is growing and developing at an astonishing rate! Eyebrows and eyelashes are now present, and the hair on the head is growing. The eyelids open, and the eyes are completely formed. The body is getting plumper and rounder (weighs about 2 pounds) and is composed of around 2 to 3% body fat. Muscle tone is gradually improving. The lungs are capable of breathing air but if the baby is born now, it would struggle to properly breathe. Be sure to talk to your baby a lot because s/he can recognize your voice now!Multiples: If born now, your babies have a 90% chance for survival. Let's hope they stay put for awhile though!
 | Welcome to the third trimester ~ the period of leg cramps, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, itchy skin, aches and pains, swelling, heartburn, indigestion and . . . your baby's arrival! Your uterus is around 3 inches above your navel; average weight gain is between 17 and 24 pounds at this point. If you haven't had a glucose tolerance test yet to test for gestational diabetes, your care provider may order one this week. Multiples: You're probably feeling really heavy now with lots of pelvic pressure and backaches. It probably feels like the babies are sitting on your rectum and bladder - and they are! Warm baths can help. Be good to yourself and gets lots of help.
Third Trimester Careprovider Appointments: |
 | In routine pregnancies, your health-care provider appointments may be every two weeks from week 28 to 36, with weekly appointments from week 36 until delivery. During these appointments, your doctor/midwife will check the size and height of your uterus to be certain your baby is growing appropriately. Your weight and blood pressure will be checked as well as your urine for signs of infection, sugar, and protein. As the due date approaches, the baby's position is checked and vaginal exams are performed to check for cervical dilatation. If any high-risk situations are noted (pre-eclampsia, PIH - Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension, gestational diabetes,placenta previa), care provider visits will be more frequent and more tests may be advised. Be sure to take a list of questions and concerns to your appointments. It's normal to have questions and worries about labor this trimester so don't be shy! Ask! Ask! Ask!
Ideas for Dad: | It's the last trimester! Go out and celebrate with a special date to shop for something for the baby or a few maternity outfits for Mom. Treat Mom to an olive oil tummy massage or foot massage.This isn't an easy trimester for Mom. Dad's support can go a long way to make it easier. Stay involved Dad! You're needed more than ever now. 