So I'll be in my third trimester on Wednesday. I feel huge already. River is pressing against my lungs and diaphragm and it gets really hard to breathe at times.
Feeling a little down right now. I feel out of shape, even tho I'm not; it's just the pregnancy. Yesterday was Christmas and even tho I'm Wiccan and celebrate Yule, it just sucked not having my own family here. My mom, uncle and brother were supposed to come over for dessert; dad couldn't come because he had to go to work early. Well, uncle Tony is sick so mom didn't want to bring him over and Jared went to his friends. Then mom and Jared were supposed to come over today but that didn't work out because it had been snowing all day and they didn't think about coming out until 5pm-ish... *sigh*
And Sandy is at work, like usual. So I have no one to talk to. I feel alone. I just want someone here. I've been thinking a lot about having a newborn here. Well, it's kinda hard NOT to think about it. I think I'm starting to look forward more to having someone to care for, who needs me, and even tho he won't be able to respond for a while, someone to talk to. Before, I was real nervous and couldn't believe I was pregnant. I still can't believe I'm going to be a mom. None of my friends can either, even tho they're all happy for me. I don't know how to go into detail how I used to be, because in reality, it doesn't matter. I'm different compared to who I was, even right before I became pregnant.
I am going to be a mom. Wow.
Of all the titles I have.. sister, aunt, niece, coach, friend, mentor.. mother will be among them. And it will be the best title of all.
Right now I'm listening to Rapture - "Two Dead Names."
I may just crash. I don't want to, but it feels like the only escape I have right now from the loneliness.
Week 26(counting from first day of last menstrual period)
Around 24 Weeks After ConceptionPlease keep in mind that this information is approximate. Each pregnancy is different and growth rates vary. If you have any questions, please check with your care provider.
Fetal Development: | Your baby could weigh about two pounds now and be around 9 inches long (crown of the head to the rump). As the blood vessels in the lungs began last week, the air sacs in the lungs begin this week. The lungs begin to secrete surfactant which covers the inner lining of the air sacs which then allows the lungs to expand normally during breathing.Besides the active lung growth, the brain kicks in with brain wave activity for the visual and auditory systems.
 | Your uterus is about 2 1/2 inches above your belly button. If you feel your uterus suddenly tighten and then relax, don't panic. You're experiencing "Braxton Hicks" Contractions. These are normal, usually painless or feel similar to menstrual cramps and happen at irregular intervals. They are your body's way of practicing for the real thing and help to tone up your uterus for the tough job of labor. Are you eating well? You need about 300 extra calories now. Make them count! Multiples: Women carrying multiples will have more Braxton Hicks contractions than singleton moms. If you have more than four in an hour, you should call your doctor. |
Ideas for Dad: | How is the nursery coming? Not everyone prepares a nursery before the baby arrives. However, if you are planning to have everything ready, now is a good time to start. Paint the nursery (and keep Mom away from the fumes), put the crib together and have fun preparing for this new little family member with Mom. These are a few of the things you can do for your baby while Mom is gestating.
Week 27(counting from first day of last menstrual period) Around 25 Weeks After ConceptionPlease keep in mind that this information is approximate. Each pregnancy is different and growth rates vary. If you have any questions, please check with your care provider.
Fetal Development: | You may be experiencing some shortness of breath. Your uterus is close to your rib cage now, and your lungs may not be able to fully expand. Don't worry though. Your baby isn't lacking oxygen and your circulatory system is actually working more efficiently thanks to those pregnancy hormones that have caused you so much discomfort.
To Work Or Not To Work . . . |
 | In week 25, we discussed paternity leave in the dads section. If you're a working mom, you're probably thinking about maternity leave and whether or not you'll go back to work after your baby arrives. This can be a very difficult decision for some families while easy for others. If you're struggling over this, visit our cubbies for stay at home moms, work at home parents, and working moms:
| Ideas for Dad: | It's 2 am, and you're blissfully dreaming about winning the Indy 500 in record-breaking time. Suddenly, you're awakened by a pregnant woman who is shaking the buttons off your pajamas. You come to your senses (or at least you think you do), sit straight up in bed and ask her if she's sure it's time. "No, of course it's not time. But I HAVE to have some cold mooshy McDonald's french fries NOW or I'll just DIE. Hurry, PALEEEEEEZE." Nope, it's not labor . . . it's cravings! She's craving weird things, and you just want to sleep. She's insistent and you know there'll be no sleep until you go. What's a dad to do? Sound remotely familiar? Think of this as preparation for being awakened in the middle of the night by the baby - and you won't have to go to McDonald's for him. Try your best to suggest healthy snacks for Mom but realize at this point, your suggestions may not carry a lot of weight. If all else fails, keep your slippers by the front door and your car keys handy! |
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