I've felt him move for so long now, but today was the first time I actually felt his foot! River moved so his butt was more to the right and he stretched out so his foot was on my left side. Usually I figure he's moving deeper inside and I won't be able to feel him, but I put my hand there and sure enough! I felt the outline of a little foot. How exciting!
He moves a lot when I go over to Mom and Dad's. And when he hears his father's voice. And music. And when I sing. And when it's bright out. So pretty much all the time! He's moving right now. I love putting my hand on my stomach and feeling it warp and jump. It's reassuring.
As eager as I am to see him, I know I'm going to miss him being inside me.
But I am just so heavy. Walking is such a challenge right now. I've been missing work because I am just too tired to go in. I really should, but it's so much physically to get my butt in there.
The hot flashes are more severe. Swelling has gone down as I am drinking even more fluids and trying to keep my feet elevated. Friday I went to the mall for a free photoshoot where I purposely parked on the other side of the mall so I could get a good walk in. Saturday I went swimming. It felt amazing, until I tried to pull myself out of the water lol. Yesterday (Monday) Sandy and I went for a walk in the neighborhood. And today I walked from my mechanic to my parents. I'm really trying to make sure this labor goes smoothly.
I still don't have any weird cravings. Weight gain is good. Fundal height is measuring 39 1/2 centimeters, which usually goes along with how many weeks pregnant you are. So I'm measuring half a week farther than I am. I hope this is a good sign lol. My fatigue has increased. My hair is still growing rapidly and I'm having to pluck and cut whiskers and hairs on my face all the time, it seems.
I am getting the Braxton Hicks more frequently. Saturday Sandy and I were walking out of the grocery store and an episode hit me. I could barely walk. I'm worried about real contractions and if they are so much more severe than these, will I be able to go natural? I really hope so...
Sunday was technically my third baby shower, but for Sandy's side of the family. It was so nice. He's really lucky to have all of those people who care about him. I know I have friends, but he has FAMILY. Cousins and aunts and uncles. I mainly have my parents and brother. Sometimes I hear from my godfather and his wife, whom I love dearly. I hope to make his family my own as well, and it looks like it will happen because they all seem to love me :-) We are truly blessed to have so many people who care about us.
And on that note, sleep time. Going for the third sonogram session Thursday to see how big our boy is. I will post those pix after I get them. :-)
Week 39
(counting from first day of last menstrual period)
Around 37 Weeks After Conception
Fetal Development:(counting from first day of last menstrual period)
Around 37 Weeks After Conception
Please keep in mind that this information is approximate. Each pregnancy is different and growth rates vary. If you have any questions, please check with your care provider.
The baby can't move too much anymore as its womb space has become very crowded. The average size baby is over seven pounds at this point. |
Maternal Changes: |
Are you feeling huge and clumsy? As the baby settles into your pelvis (lightening), your center of gravity shifts which may make you feel off-balance. The good news is, the uterus isn't pressing on your diaphragm so it's easier to breathe. The bad news is, your uterus is pushing on your bladder so you may be running to the bathroom every two minutes. Your uterus is 6 1/2 to 8 inches above your navel! |
Congratulate yourself Dad! You're almost a father (or father again), and you've survived (almost) the |
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