Thursday, March 24, 2011

Exciting news!!!

OK So Thursday we went to get the sonogram. River is weighing in at... *dun dun duuuunnn* NINE POUNDS, FOUR OUNCES!!! OMG! Yes! Our "lil" man is estimated at a whopping 9lbs, 4 oz. I can't believe it. Well, I can, and I can't. It explains a lot lol. But you can't say this boy isn't getting fed! I mean... WOW.

So we went to see Nancy this week, on Tuesday. And I told her what the sonogram specialist said. Nancy replied "well then we need to have a different conversation," because I wanted to go natural. The plan is..

I'm getting induced TOMORROW. 6am. At Prince George's Hospital.

So today is my last full day of being pregnant. At 5am tomorrow, I will be waking up and getting ready to leave for the hospital. And hopefully I will have my baby boy in my arms in the evening. :-)

I'm washing all of his clothes now, something I should of done sooner. But it's keeping me busy. Dishes have been in the sink for about a week now. I just can't stand up to wash them. My feet and back hurt if I'm up for too long.

I looooove using Dreft for his clothes. It makes them so soft and smell so good, even tho it's a very light scent. River has his coming home outfit packed in my suitcase; a onesie, hat, socks, and a blanket. :-) The car seat is installed in my car. We have plenty of diapers and wipes here. Medicine. Lotion. Wash. Pacifiers. His bed is all set up. I'm READY! lol

I think it's funny, I'll sit at the computer and River will move and I can feel my whole body move from him. My breasts have been really sore for a few weeks now. I would say since last Monday my face and feet have ballooned and gotten really swollen. I got out of bed today and my feet screamed in agony from having all this weight put back on them.

I got a mani/pedi on Tuesday. I chose a beautiful blue to be painted on my nails. It looks like a caribbean blue.

yea. this color. ^_^ isn't it gorgeous? and it reminds me of Enya.

On that note, I need to download more music for my mp3 player for tomorrow!!! I've been putting it off for too long. Today is my last day home for a few days. Lemme get on that.

River Aiden Smith, I will be seeing you soon!!! Mommy and Daddy love yoooouuuuuu!!!

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