Sunday, December 26, 2010


So I'll be in my third trimester on Wednesday. I feel huge already. River is pressing against my lungs and diaphragm and it gets really hard to breathe at times.

Feeling a little down right now. I feel out of shape, even tho I'm not; it's just the pregnancy. Yesterday was Christmas and even tho I'm Wiccan and celebrate Yule, it just sucked not having my own family here. My mom, uncle and brother were supposed to come over for dessert; dad couldn't come because he had to go to work early. Well, uncle Tony is sick so mom didn't want to bring him over and Jared went to his friends. Then mom and Jared were supposed to come over today but that didn't work out because it had been snowing all day and they didn't think about coming out until 5pm-ish... *sigh*

And Sandy is at work, like usual. So I have no one to talk to. I feel alone. I just want someone here. I've been thinking a lot about having a newborn here. Well, it's kinda hard NOT to think about it. I think I'm starting to look forward more to having someone to care for, who needs me, and even tho he won't be able to respond for a while, someone to talk to. Before, I was real nervous and couldn't believe I was pregnant. I still can't believe I'm going to be a mom. None of my friends can either, even tho they're all happy for me. I don't know how to go into detail how I used to be, because in reality, it doesn't matter. I'm different compared to who I was, even right before I became pregnant.

I am going to be a mom. Wow.

Of all the titles I have.. sister, aunt, niece, coach, friend, mentor.. mother will be among them. And it will be the best title of all.


Right now I'm listening to Rapture - "Two Dead Names."

I may just crash. I don't want to, but it feels like the only escape I have right now from the loneliness.

Week 26
(counting from first day of last menstrual period)
Around 24 Weeks After Conception

Please keep in mind that this information is approximate. Each pregnancy is different and growth rates vary. If you have any questions, please check with your care provider.

Fetal Development:
Sixth MonthYour baby could weigh about two pounds now and be around 9 inches long (crown of the head to the rump). As the blood vessels in the lungs began last week, the air sacs in the lungs begin this week. The lungs begin to secrete surfactant which covers the inner lining of the air sacs which then allows the lungs to expand normally during breathing.

Besides the active lung growth, the brain kicks in with brain wave activity for the visual and auditory systems.

Maternal Changes:
Your uterus is about 2 1/2 inches above your belly button. If you feel your uterus suddenly tighten and then relax, don't panic. You're experiencing "Braxton Hicks" Contractions. These are normal, usually painless or feel similar to menstrual cramps and happen at irregular intervals. They are your body's way of practicing for the real thing and help to tone up your uterus for the tough job of labor.

Are you eating well? You need about 300 extra calories now. Make them count!

Multiples: Women carrying multiples will have more Braxton Hicks contractions than singleton moms. If you have more than four in an hour, you should call your doctor.

Ideas for Dad:
How is the nursery coming? Not everyone prepares a nursery before the baby arrives. However, if you are planning to have everything ready, now is a good time to start. Paint the nursery (and keep Mom away from the fumes), put the crib together and have fun preparing for this new little family member with Mom. These are a few of the things you can do for your baby while Mom is gestating.

Week 27
(counting from first day of last menstrual period)
Around 25 Weeks After Conception

Please keep in mind that this information is approximate. Each pregnancy is different and growth rates vary. If you have any questions, please check with your care provider.

Fetal Development:
During this week, the brain continues its rapid growth, and the lungs continue to grow. Eyelids begin to open, and the retinas begin to form. The babywill grow over 1/2 inch this week and will be about 1 1/3 feet long (from crown of head to the toes or 9.6 inches from crown to rump)!

Maternal Changes:
Congratulations! At the end of this week, you will have finished the second trimester already!
Sixth Month
You may be experiencing some shortness of breath. Your uterus is close to your rib cage now, and your lungs may not be able to fully expand. Don't worry though. Your baby isn't lacking oxygen and your circulatory system is actually working more efficiently thanks to those pregnancy hormones that have caused you so much discomfort.

To Work Or Not To Work . . .
In week 25, we discussed paternity leave in the dads section. If you're a working mom, you're probably thinking about maternity leave and whether or not you'll go back to work after your baby arrives. This can be a very difficult decision for some families while easy for others. If you're struggling over this, visit our cubbies for stay at home moms, work at home parents, and working moms:

Ideas for Dad:
It's 2 am, and you're blissfully dreaming about winning the Indy 500 in record-breaking time. Suddenly, you're awakened by a pregnant woman who is shaking the buttons off your pajamas. You come to your senses (or at least you think you do), sit straight up in bed and ask her if she's sure it's time. "No, of course it's not time. But I HAVE to have some cold mooshy McDonald's french fries NOW or I'll just DIE. Hurry, PALEEEEEEZE." Nope, it's not labor . . . it's cravings! She's craving weird things, and you just want to sleep. She's insistent and you know there'll be no sleep until you go. What's a dad to do?

Sound remotely familiar? Think of this as preparation for being awakened in the middle of the night by the baby - and you won't have to go to McDonald's for him. Try your best to suggest healthy snacks for Mom but realize at this point, your suggestions may not carry a lot of weight.

If all else fails, keep your slippers by the front door and your car keys handy!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Rocker Baby

So I'm sitting here with the computer headphones on my stomach, listening to various artists. River is kicking soooo much! It's so cool to see the headphones on my stomach, hear the music that is coming out, and see my stomach move! My son definitely takes after his mama when it comes to music ;) So far I've played:
Stone Sour: "Say You'll Haunt Me"
Darling Violetta: "Angel Theme" "Spoiled & Rotten" "A Smaller God"
Lacuna Coil: "Swamped" "Closer To You" "Enjoy The Silence"

I'm about to start a wave of Opeth songs. :-)

So I turned 26 weeks on Wednesday. Two more weeks and I'll be in my third trimester! Whoa! lol.

26 weeks
26 weeks, 2 days

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

6 months, 1 week today

River is moving more and more! I was over at my parents and told my mom her grandson was moving. So she handed me a paper plate and set it on my stomach. We waited for a bit, then saw the plate move! It was really cool. We're still working on a middle name for our baby boy. I like Kiernan; Sandy doesn't. I like Aiden; Sandy doesn't know how he feels about it. lol. Argh pick something, dad!

So I told Sandy his son was moving, and Sandy laid his cheek against my belly. River heard his dad talking and started kicking! Sandy got socked in the face! lol. Oh he was soooo happy to feel his son moving.

I'm still swimming and moving around well, even though I'm feeling more like a planet. I still pee quite frequently, and when River moves a certain way, there's an almost sharp quiver in my bladder that makes me feel like I haven't gone to the bathroom in hours when really I have very little urine in there.

We've currently moved into the add-on apartment on the house in which we were renting a room. Stuff is everywhere. As soon as we get some storage containers, we should be ok.. for the most part. I just can't believe all of this was in one room!

Week 24
(counting from first day of last menstrual period)
Around 22 Weeks After Conception

Please keep in mind that this information is approximate. Each pregnancy is different and growth rates vary. If you have any questions, please check with your care provider.

Fetal Development:
Sixth MonthThe baby gains about 6 ounces this week as the body begins to fill out. This weight is in muscle,bone mass and the growing organs and tissues. The weight could top 1 1/3 pounds by the end of the week.

Multiples: Week 24 is usually considered the point of viability, meaning that if your babies are born now, they have a chance for survival. They would, however, be in intensive care for many months.

Maternal Changes:
Between weeks 24 and 28, your care provider may order aglucose tolerance test to determine if you have gestational diabetes. Your uterus is 1 1/2 to 2 inches above the navel.

Multiples: Watch your vaginal discharge and report any changes to your caregiver. Preterm labor may start by infection that ascends from the vagina. Visit week 25 for Preterm Labor Warning Signs.

Your doctor may want to do a check of your cervix sometime soon so that if you develop preterm labor symptoms, s/he will have a baseline for comparison.

Ideas for Dad:
Take lots of pictures of Mom. Even though she may not like it at the time, she will treasure the photos later. They will make a wonderful keepsake, and maybe she'll pose for you a la Demi Moore in Vanity Fair!

Week 25
(counting from first day of last menstrual period)
Around 23 Weeks After Conception

Please keep in mind that this information is approximate. Each pregnancy is different and growth rates vary. If you have any questions, please check with your care provider.

Fetal Development:
The structures of the spine - 33 rings, 150 joints and 1000ligaments - begin to form. The blood vessels of the lungs are developing and the nostrils begin to open. Busy week!

Maternal Changes:
You may be feeling like a "Soccer Mom" now that your uterus is the size of a soccer ball. Your growing uterus places pressure on your back and pelvis and may cause periodic shooting pains in your lower back and legs. When you experience this, rest, change your position, take a warm bath or apply ice to the sore area.

Sixth Month
Preterm Labor Warning Signs:
Do you know the warning signs of preterm labor? The March of Dimes advises that you never ignore any of these symptoms:
  • Menstrual-like cramps (constant or occasional)
  • Low, dull backache (constant or occasional)
  • Pelvic pressure (feels like the baby is pushing down)
  • Abdominal cramping (with or without diarrhea)
  • Increase or change in mucous vaginal discharge
  • Uterine contractions every 10 minutes or more often (may be painless)
Be sure to discuss with your caregiver what you should do in the event you experience these warning signs before the 37th week of pregnancy.

Ideas for Dad:
Now is a good time to start thinking about your work schedule when your baby arrives. If you want to take a leave, check with your employer about your options. Your company may qualify for the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. Most companies still do not pay for maternity/paternity leave, some do but do not announce that information unless you ask, while other companies have a whole range of benefits.

You may have other options available such as telecommuting (working from home), job sharing and/or flexible work schedules. Start your research now and do some soul-searching about how much time off you wish to have.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

A month later!

ok first off, i spilled some juice sandy left in a cup near the keyboard, so the shift key is extra hard to push. i apologize for the lack of capitalization :-p

i can't believe its been a month since i last posted! so much has been going on. swim season started, sandy and i are moving, and i was in the hospital for dehydration.

well of course, red flag goes up when you hear hospital. i ate something that didn't agree with me; part of a sausage biscuit and part of a steak, egg n cheese bagel. both from mcdonald's. it didn't take long for my stomach to get upset. i had extreme diarrhea and even tho i'm adamant on my liquid intake, i was losing fluids faster than i could put back into my body. well, 24 hours later, i had about 6 extreme bowl movements that broke me into a light sweat and caused me extreme pain. it started on a tuesday around 8am while i was at work. wednesday, i was at work again. my shift was over at 11 and i started to notice i was feeling weak, but the thing that started to get me worried was i started cramping and my back was hurting.

i called my midwife and told her my symptoms. she said it sounded like i was dehydrated and that can cause contractions. she advised to go to the ER right away. i called sandy first to let him know what was going on and then i called my parents. my dad picked me up from work and drove me to prince george's hospital. not my first choice, but i wasn't going to laurel regional. there were some idiots upstairs, but when we got to the maternity ward, it was like walking into another dimension. it was quiet and serene with low lighting and friendly staff. i was seen after a very short wait and they got me undressed and hooked up to an IV. i laid in the bed for maybe 15 when sandy showed up.

i was strapped up to three different machines: IV, baby monitor and contraction monitor. i had to wear this awfully tight band around my belly that was very uncomfortable. shortly after sandy got there is when i started to feel really bad. the nurse, jessica, kept asking me questions and i was so dizzy, i was slow to respond. my weakness increased, and i couldn't even get myself out of the bed to go to the bathroom. i'm so grateful sandy was there. he had to literally lift me out of bed and help me back into bed. i couldn't even lift my own legs onto the bed. the plus side to all of this: our son was doing just fine.

dad had to leave and i started to drift off to sleep after over half of the IV bag was in my system. my nurse was very awesome; she barely left me alone, only enough to let me get some rest. i woke up and they changed my IV bag, seeing as i drained the first one quickly. i was feeling much better, and they gave me food, then monitored me to see how i would react to something in my stomach. it felt so wonderful to eat. by this time it was 6pm and i hadn't eaten since 10am, right before another bowel movement. i was fed and happy and feeling much better. i was discharged, sandy drove me to my car and followed me home.

i've been fine ever since! getting bigger, in fact. i'm starting to feel more like a planet. oh, we've decided on his name. RIVER SMITH. still working on a middle name. he moves a lot now, it's very cool. i felt him kicking me the other day and looked down and saw my belly move. sandy still hasn't felt him, but soon tho. i'll be 6 months this wednesday.

we're moving into the apartment soon. his aunt and uncle were here today to move furniture in. oh it looks so wonderful and it's starting to feel like a home over there! before and after pictures up soon. but first, have to post belly information and belly pix!

Week 20
(counting from first day of last menstrual period)
Around 18 Weeks After Conception

Please keep in mind that this information is approximate. Each pregnancy is different and growth rates vary. If you have any questions, please check with your care provider.

Fetal Development:
We're halfway through the pregnancy, and the baby has as much sleep and awake time as a newborn. The scalp hair begins to grow. If your baby is a girl, her uterus is starting to develop.

Multiples: Your twins are each 7 1/2 inches long and weigh close to one pound each!

Maternal Changes:
Your uterus is at your navel now. You may experience some tenderness as your belly button becomes an "outtie" from the uterus pressing on it. The line between your navel (linea nigra) and pubic hair has darkened; it will fade after delivery.
Five Months
You're probably feeling the baby frequently now as the movements become stronger. If you're having an ultrasound to verify fetal age, it will probably be scheduled around this time. It's a good time to look into childbirth classes.

Hey! You're halfway there already!

Multiples: Your uterus is two or three inches higher than your singleton counterpart. Now is a good time to look into childbirth classes just in case you end up on bedrest. If you start now, you'll have you time to finish the class.

Ideas for Dad:
Mom may be checking into the various childbirth classes available in your area and reporting to you with dates, times, styles of childbirth and all kinds of things you may have never heard of before. This is important to Mom (and to you too) so jump in there and be ready to head off to class! Some dads feel reluctant to go while others are very excited. If you're feeling a little reluctant, remember that you'll get to ask the instructor lots of questions and meet other dads who probably feel just like you do; all of which can go a long way to squelch your fears.

Week 21
(counting from first day of last menstrual period)
Around 19 Weeks After Conception

Please keep in mind that this information is approximate. Each pregnancy is different and growth rates vary. If you have any questions, please check with your care provider.

Fetal Development:
Five MonthsThe rapid growth phase begins to slow down this week. The heart grows stronger this week, and the legs are reaching their relative proportions.

Multiples: The babies are kicking each other frequently as they move around. The membrane separating them is very very elastic so don't worry about them kicking each other. They are well protected and the membrane won't rupture from their activity.

Maternal Changes:
Over halfway there, and you're probably showing now. Your uterus is about 1/2 inch above your belly button. The average weight gainis between 10 and 15 pounds at this point. If you're eating a healthy diet, don't count pounds and calories too strictly. Emotionally, you're probably feeling more stable and comfortable.

Your ankles and feet may be swelling, particularly at the end of the day. Drink lots of water and rest with your feet elevated.

Multiples: Fluid retention can be exacerbated in a multiple pregnancy. Rest, drink lots of fluids, and put those poor feet up.

Ideas for Dad:
With the second trimester being the easiest, this is a good time for planning and preparing together. The "pukiness" of the first trimester is (hopefully) a memory, and the heaviness of the third trimester is yet to come. Now is a good time to do something special together like taking a vacation or a weekend away (check with your caregiver first about travel). If you can't get away, use the time to grow closer and spend quality time together.

Week 22
(counting from first day of last menstrual period)
Around 20 Weeks After Conception

Please keep in mind that this information is approximate. Each pregnancy is different and growth rates vary. If you have any questions, please check with your care provider.

Fetal Development:
The baby is probably close to a pound and very thin but very developed. The eyelids and eyebrows are now formed, and the brain begins rapid growth. If your baby is a boy, his testes have begun their descent from the pelvis to the scrotum.

Maternal Changes:
Your uterus is nearly an inch above your navel. You'll probably be gaining weight more steadily now as your baby continues to fill out. The extra weight may begin to take its toll on your back. Wear low heeled shoes (flat shoes can strain your back as much as high heeled shoes) and avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time. When you sit, use a footstool to raise your knees higher than your hips.
Five Months
Multiples: Having leg cramps? You could be suffering from a shortage of calcium thanks to your babies. When the cramps hit, straighten your leg and flex your ankle. Have your partner massage the muscle.

Ideas for Dad:
Some parents have no problem agreeing on a name for their baby. Other parents go through World War III. Here are a few ideas . . . make a list of ten of your favorite names (if you don't know your baby's gender, make a list of boys' names and a list of girls' names). Have mom do the same thing and then exchange lists. Cross off the names on her list that you absolutely hate while mom crosses off her least favorite names on your list. If any names survive the process, start playing with those in various configurations. This may be one of those areas where compromise is a gift. Visit these sites for some naming help:

Week 23
(counting from first day of last menstrual period)
Around 21 Weeks After Conception

Please keep in mind that this information is approximate. Each pregnancy is different and growth rates vary. If you have any questions, please check with your care provider.

Fetal Development:
Five MonthsYour baby weighs about a pound now! The body is becoming better proportioned each day, and the bones of the middle ear begin to harden.

If born now, your baby has achance for survival. Let's hope, however, that the baby stays put for several more weeks!

Multiples: Your babies will have periods of activity and sleep periods which may not coincide with each other.

Maternal Changes:
Your baby still has room to move around so you're probably feeling kicks, jabs, flips and flops. You may even see your abdomen move. Your uterus is about 1 1/2 inches above your belly button.

If you're having some wild mood swings, don't fret. They're normal even if they don't feel normal. Try to be good to yourself when you're feeling blue.

Multiples: Familiarize yourself with the symptoms of preterm labor. Carrying multiples puts you at a higher risk for premature birth. From Twins! Pregnancy, Birth and the First Year of Life by Connie L. Agnew, MD, call your practitioner immediately if you experience any of these symptoms:

  • sense of pelvic fullness
  • recurrent contractions (4 or more an hour)
  • vaginal discharge
  • ruptured membranes
  • cramping

Ideas for Dad:
Do something nice and totally unexpected like doing the laundry without being asked or bringing home dinner after work. Let mom know how special she is and show her how special you are.

thanksgiving belly :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Oh boy!!! :-)

Say hello to our son! I was 18 weeks pregnant when these were taken, which was last week. Sandy and I are very excited to know we have a boy on the way! I knew it had to be, because I've had 4 baby boy dreams, rapid hair growth (especially whiskers on my chin) and horrible indigestion.

Baby boy dreams:
1) Rachel and I were watching our babies crawl on the floor. She picked up her son and I picked up mine, but didn't know it was a boy until I saw his face.
2) I was driving and breastfeeding. As I tried to steer, my son, at first an infant, grew suddenly into a toddler, and then into a child. His feet were almost touching the door of the passenger side!
3) I was at home, watching tv, and every time I glanced down from the tv to my baby, I saw my son's face, but it changed. The last time I looked down, it was a black baby with a tiny afro!
4) It was like a baby shower, but I had already delivered the baby. I wasn't in the hospital; more like a community room reserved for a party. Sandy was watching a tv on the wall and I kept asking him the weight and how long the baby was. Sandy said "oh, he was.. 7 lbs and something.. he was long.. um..."
5) I was in a mall somewhere and had to go to the bathroom, and my son was in the car seat. I left him in the middle of a hallway and went to go use the bathroom, and came running back, freaking out that I forgot my son somewhere!

Now, onto the abundance of blue and trying to figure out what to name our son! We have a name in mind... But we're not going to announce it until we're absolutely sure we're sticking with that name.

19 weeks today.

Week 19
(counting from first day of last menstrual period)
Around 17 Weeks After Conception

Please keep in mind that this information is approximate. Each pregnancy is different and growth rates vary. If you have any questions, please check with your care provider.

Fetal Development:
Five MonthsAlong with the lanugo, vernix caseosa forms on your baby'sskin. Vernix is a white cheesy substance that protects your baby's skin from its aquatic environment ~ imagine how your skin would look if you sat in water for nine months! The placenta continues to grow and nourish the baby.

Multiples: If you're expecting twins, you're probably half-way there already! Check our Multiples Cubby for more information on the duration of multiples pregnancies.

Maternal Changes:
You may be noticing several skin changes. These are hormone-related and will disappear after delivery. You may have the "mask of pregnancy" - blotchy patches on your forehead, cheeks, nose and chin. Itchy skin is also very common. Your skin may be dry and flaky in certain areas and many pregnant women develop rashes, particularly on the stretched skin. You can't prevent stretch marks but lotions or oil can ease the dryness and itching.Drinking lots of water and eating a healthy diet will go a long way in reducing dryness.

Ideas for Dad:
You've felt your baby move within Mom's womb, and BLAM! It hits you like a ton of bricks - YOU'RE GOING TO BE A FATHER! You're excited and then terrified. You may be questioning yourself as to whether you're ready to be a father or whether you'll be a good dad. If you didn't have a good role model as a child, you may be even more concerned. You may be wondering if you can take care of a family or if you can provide for one. This one little kick can open a Pandora's Box that you weren't prepared to handle. If you find yourself preoccupied with such thoughts, don't worry. You're experiencing a normal reaction to impending fatherhood. Mom is probably having similar thoughts about herself in her role as mother. Go ahead and discuss these feelings with Mom. Read up on pregnancy, childbirth and parenting. And - give yourself a break when you need one. The fact that you're here reading this already says a lot about the kind of parent you'll be!

Books for dad . . .

Inspirational Thoughts:
Babies are such a nice way to start people. ~Don Herold