Thursday, March 24, 2011

Exciting news!!!

OK So Thursday we went to get the sonogram. River is weighing in at... *dun dun duuuunnn* NINE POUNDS, FOUR OUNCES!!! OMG! Yes! Our "lil" man is estimated at a whopping 9lbs, 4 oz. I can't believe it. Well, I can, and I can't. It explains a lot lol. But you can't say this boy isn't getting fed! I mean... WOW.

So we went to see Nancy this week, on Tuesday. And I told her what the sonogram specialist said. Nancy replied "well then we need to have a different conversation," because I wanted to go natural. The plan is..

I'm getting induced TOMORROW. 6am. At Prince George's Hospital.

So today is my last full day of being pregnant. At 5am tomorrow, I will be waking up and getting ready to leave for the hospital. And hopefully I will have my baby boy in my arms in the evening. :-)

I'm washing all of his clothes now, something I should of done sooner. But it's keeping me busy. Dishes have been in the sink for about a week now. I just can't stand up to wash them. My feet and back hurt if I'm up for too long.

I looooove using Dreft for his clothes. It makes them so soft and smell so good, even tho it's a very light scent. River has his coming home outfit packed in my suitcase; a onesie, hat, socks, and a blanket. :-) The car seat is installed in my car. We have plenty of diapers and wipes here. Medicine. Lotion. Wash. Pacifiers. His bed is all set up. I'm READY! lol

I think it's funny, I'll sit at the computer and River will move and I can feel my whole body move from him. My breasts have been really sore for a few weeks now. I would say since last Monday my face and feet have ballooned and gotten really swollen. I got out of bed today and my feet screamed in agony from having all this weight put back on them.

I got a mani/pedi on Tuesday. I chose a beautiful blue to be painted on my nails. It looks like a caribbean blue.

yea. this color. ^_^ isn't it gorgeous? and it reminds me of Enya.

On that note, I need to download more music for my mp3 player for tomorrow!!! I've been putting it off for too long. Today is my last day home for a few days. Lemme get on that.

River Aiden Smith, I will be seeing you soon!!! Mommy and Daddy love yoooouuuuuu!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Almost there!

39 weeks tomorrow! I can officially say I'm due next week! And I am so excited. I'm really looking forward to meeting River.

I've felt him move for so long now, but today was the first time I actually felt his foot! River moved so his butt was more to the right and he stretched out so his foot was on my left side. Usually I figure he's moving deeper inside and I won't be able to feel him, but I put my hand there and sure enough! I felt the outline of a little foot. How exciting!

He moves a lot when I go over to Mom and Dad's. And when he hears his father's voice. And music. And when I sing. And when it's bright out. So pretty much all the time! He's moving right now. I love putting my hand on my stomach and feeling it warp and jump. It's reassuring.

As eager as I am to see him, I know I'm going to miss him being inside me.

But I am just so heavy. Walking is such a challenge right now. I've been missing work because I am just too tired to go in. I really should, but it's so much physically to get my butt in there.

The hot flashes are more severe. Swelling has gone down as I am drinking even more fluids and trying to keep my feet elevated. Friday I went to the mall for a free photoshoot where I purposely parked on the other side of the mall so I could get a good walk in. Saturday I went swimming. It felt amazing, until I tried to pull myself out of the water lol. Yesterday (Monday) Sandy and I went for a walk in the neighborhood. And today I walked from my mechanic to my parents. I'm really trying to make sure this labor goes smoothly.

I still don't have any weird cravings. Weight gain is good. Fundal height is measuring 39 1/2 centimeters, which usually goes along with how many weeks pregnant you are. So I'm measuring half a week farther than I am. I hope this is a good sign lol. My fatigue has increased. My hair is still growing rapidly and I'm having to pluck and cut whiskers and hairs on my face all the time, it seems.

I am getting the Braxton Hicks more frequently. Saturday Sandy and I were walking out of the grocery store and an episode hit me. I could barely walk. I'm worried about real contractions and if they are so much more severe than these, will I be able to go natural? I really hope so...

Sunday was technically my third baby shower, but for Sandy's side of the family. It was so nice. He's really lucky to have all of those people who care about him. I know I have friends, but he has FAMILY. Cousins and aunts and uncles. I mainly have my parents and brother. Sometimes I hear from my godfather and his wife, whom I love dearly. I hope to make his family my own as well, and it looks like it will happen because they all seem to love me :-) We are truly blessed to have so many people who care about us.

And on that note, sleep time. Going for the third sonogram session Thursday to see how big our boy is. I will post those pix after I get them. :-)

Week 39
(counting from first day of last menstrual period)
Around 37 Weeks After Conception

Please keep in mind that this information is approximate. Each pregnancy is different and growth rates vary. If you have any questions, please check with your care provider.

Fetal Development:
9th monthMost of the lanugo is gone as the baby prepares for its final womb days. The lungs are maturing and surfactant production is increasing.

The baby can't move too much anymore as its womb space has become very crowded.

The average size baby is over seven pounds at this point.

Maternal Changes:
Are you feeling huge and clumsy? As the baby settles into your pelvis (lightening), your center of gravity shifts which may make you feel off-balance. The good news is, the uterus isn't pressing on your diaphragm so it's easier to breathe. The bad news is, your uterus is pushing on your bladder so you may be running to the bathroom every two minutes.

Your uterus is 6 1/2 to 8 inches above your navel!

Ideas for Dad:
Congratulate yourself Dad! You're almost a father (or father again), and you've survived (almost) the pregnancy. You're probably a nervous wreck or in denial that anything is about to happen, but that's okay. In a few days (weeks), you won't remember what you had for breakfast (or even IF you had breakfast) let alone the anxiety you're having right now. Enjoy these last moments with mom as a couple or as a family of 3 (or 4, whatever your situation is) and pat yourself on the back for being a great dad. After all, if you weren't a great dad, you wouldn't be reading this guide!

StorkNet updates

Week 36
(counting from first day of last menstrual period)
Around 34 Weeks After Conception

Please keep in mind that this information is approximate. Each pregnancy is different and growth rates vary. If you have any questions, please check with your care provider.

Fetal Development:
9th monthWith four weeks to go, ourbaby is almost ready. S/he could drop into the birth canal at any time now. This week, the fat is dimpling on the elbows and knees as well as forming creases in the neck and wrists. The baby's gums are very rigid.

Multiples: Twins may be around 5 pounds now. The National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs (NOMOTC) reports that the average birth weight of a twin is 5 pounds, 5 ounces and arrives between the 36th and 37th week.

Maternal Changes:
About a month to go ~ you'll probably be visiting your care provider once a week at this point. The average weight gainnow is between 25 and 30 pounds. You should be consuming about 2400 calories per day. Make them count! Your body is working hard now and needs quality fuel.

If you haven't been tested for Group B Strep, ask your caregiver about it. It's also a good time to take a tour of the hospital/birth facilities if you haven't yet.

Multiples: You're probably really ready to get "this over with" as you become increasingly uncomfortable. Discuss your feelings with your doctor. Talk to your local Twins club for support.

Signs of Labor:
Here are some of the signs that labor is approaching. You may not experience all of these symptoms or be aware of them. Visit our Signs of Labor page for more detailed information . . .
  • Lightening ~ aka the baby dropped
  • Bloody Show ~ aka the mucous plug
  • Rupture of Membranes ~ aka your "water broke"
  • The Nesting Urge ~ aka you want to clean everything in sight
  • Effacement ~ aka ripening of the cervix
  • Dilatation ~ aka opening of the cervix
  • Diarrhea ~ aka you know this one
  • Contractions ~ aka OUCH those labor pains!

Ideas for Dad:
It's a bit beyond the scope of this guide to create a parenting"how-to" for newborns. However Dad, there are a few basics you need to know.
  • Yes, you WILL be nervous about picking up a human being that is slightly larger than a football knowing that it is YOUR child.
  • You will NOT be asphyxiated when you change Baby's poopy diaper.
  • Baby's vomit is not toxic waste, and you will NOT die of poisoning when Baby spits up an entire feeding on your new shirt.
Seriously, it is nerve-wracking to hold a squirming baby, especially when their little necks are so floppy. The more you hold and handle your baby, the more comfortable you'll become. You should be able to do whatever Mom does for the baby, except of course, breastfeed. You'll develop a deeper bond with Baby and s/he with you by being involved.

Week 37
(counting from first day of last menstrual period)
Around 35 Weeks After Conception

Please keep in mind that this information is approximate. Each pregnancy is different and growth rates vary. If you have any questions, please check with your care provider.

Fetal Development:
9th monthAverage size is around 6.5 pounds now! The babypractices breathing movements preparing for life outside the womb. His/her grasp becomes firm, and s/he will turn toward light.

Multiples: Twins are considered "term" at 37 weeks, and their lanugo will begin to disappear. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, 82% of twins weigh less than 6 pounds, 10 ounces at birth.

Be sure to visit our Multiples Mania Cubby for lots of info from multiples parents like yourself!

Maternal Changes:
Vaginal discharge may be heavier now and will have more cervical mucous in it as your body prepares for labor. What position is your baby in? Is it head down or butt first? Whichever position your baby is in now is generally the way s/he will stay. If your baby is breech, you may need a cesarean or your care provider might recommend an external version in which your abdomen is manipulated in such a way that it turns head down. This is successful 60 to 70% of the time.

The baby could come at anytime. Is your hospital bag packed yet?

Multiples: You're considered term at 37 weeks for twinpregnancies.

If You're Planning to Breastfeed:
If you're planning to return to work outside the home at some point after delivery, you can still breastfeed your baby. Many moms pump their breasts at work so that baby's careprovider can feed her with expressed breast milk in bottles. Other moms are able to visit the baby during the day for a few feedings while other others take their babies to work with them. Explore your options BEFORE you go back to work (preferrably before you begin maternity leave). Read our articles:
Ideas for Dad:
Remember the Boy Scout motto "Be Prepared"? Unexpected things happen during labor and delivery so try to plan for as many things as possible while keeping in mind that flexibility is important. Try to have all the little details completed beforehand so you can handle the unexpected events. Just what are these little details? How about . . .
  • hospital registration
  • routes to the hospital mapped out and have more than one route in case a road is blocked for whatever reason
  • know where the entrances to the hospital and the parking lots are located
  • lists of phone numbers written out - you might forget an important person or even their number when you're excited/nervous, etc
  • roll of change for the pay telephone or a battery charger/electric cord for your cell phone (but check with the hospital to see if they'll allow you to use a cell phone inside the hospital - most will not!)
  • mom's hospital bag and whatever YOU need at the hospital (change of clothes in case you come from work, etc)
  • infant carseat IN THE CAR ready to go
  • arrange for who will care for any older children if they aren't attending the birth
  • have the camera, video recorder, etc in the car

YIKES! All of those last minute details! With these out of the way, Dad, you can be there for mom so take the initiative and be a good Boy Scout. Be prepared!

Week 38
(counting from first day of last menstrual period)
Around 36 Weeks After Conception

Please keep in mind that this information is approximate. Each pregnancy is different and growth rates vary. If you have any questions, please check with your care provider.

Fetal Development:
The baby may be gaining an ounce a day now. His/her intestines are accumulating lots of meconium (baby's first bowel movement). The circumference of the head and the baby's abdomen are about the same size.

Maternal Changes:
False labor contractions are irregular and can be very painful. These contractions may be felt in various parts of your body (back, lower abdomen, pelvis). True labor contractions start at the top of your uterus and then spread over the entire uterus, through your lower back and into the pelvis. True labor will become stronger and more painful and won't be alleviated by changing position.

9th month
Ideas for Dad:
You catch a glimpse of Mom's profile and see that big belly . . . and you feel instantly guilty. She's tired, cranky, sick ofpregnancy, can't sleep because she has to get up every 30 minutes to go to the bathroom, has chronic heartburn and indigestion, and her mood is reflective of these late-pregnancy discomforts. You feel responsible, and you know what? You ARE responsible! smiley

But let's think about that for a minute. Mom can't conceive without Dad, and Dad can't without Mom. That makes pregnancy a team effort. It's true that you don't have to go through the physical discomforts of pregnancy, but you do have your share of worries and a myriad of conflicting thoughts ~ and you have to watch someone you love change before your very eyes.

What's a Dad to do? You know already and that's why you're reading this guide. Just be there for Mom. It's a big job, and you're the best one to do it! You can't bear the brunt of pregnancy physically, but you can help Mom lighten the load considerably. And what do you do when Mom screams at you that "this" is all YOUR fault? Calmly remind her that you couldn't have done it without her part . . . and then run for cover!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I feel like a planet

So I turned 37 weeks Wednesday, March 2. And ugghhh. I'm feeling so cumbersome and huge and tired and bloated and friggin heavy. I'm at the point now where I'm really tired of being pregnant. I no longer have that cute bump. It's huge. You can see my belly button thru my shirt.

Sandy and I went to a child birthing education class at Prince George's Hospital where I will be delivering River. I really want to try and go natural with this. I'm not too good when it comes to prolonged exposures to pain, but for some reason I really want to do this. I saw the birthing room, a place where you're not hooked up to machines and you get to roam around this relaxing room, and it's got a huge walk in shower and a niiiiice bath tub. And if I feel I want the epidural before it's too late, they can take me back to a regular labor and delivery room to get it. I don't want to be hooked to a machine!

River is still really active, but it's starting to hurt more. And I feel like my breathe is taken from me more often that not. I'm always tired and I'm in the nesting phase, so those rare chances I get a burst of energy, I clean. Before, I would look at something and go eeehhhhh I should clean that. Now I look at it and go OMG I NEED TO CLEAN THAT! (when I have the energy, of course lol.)

Well I just wanted to pop in and say a few things before heading to bed. I vacuumed, made dinner (crabcakes, mac n cheese, string beans) and cleaned the bathroom, all pretty much at the same time lol. I cleaned while the food cooked. And I had a nap earlier, which is why I am still awake now. Have to be at work at 7. ugh. My swollen feet are doing better. I'm drinking more water, eating more protein and (trying to) sleep just on my left side. But wouldn't ya know it, I'm more comfortable on my right? And right now, comfort is a word that has slipped from my dictionary. Same with sleep.

Sleep? What's that? I do naps. LOL.